Tag Archives: branding

Monday Morning Learning – 27 April 2020

Instagram is Testing a New ‘Challenge’ Sticker to Prompt User Engagement

Instagram is testing a new ‘Challenge’ sticker for Stories which would enable users to call on their connections to participate in visual competitions, prompting more engagement.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-is-testing-a-new-challenge-sticker-to-prompt-user-engagement/576134/

Facebook Outlines a Range of New Video Tools, Including Messenger Rooms for Group Video Hangouts

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced a range of new video tools across Facebook’s family of apps, in order to meet demand and evolving use-cases during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-outlines-a-range-of-new-video-tools-including-messenger-rooms-for/576758/

Instagram Provides Tips on How Brands Can Use Stories to Connect With Audiences Amid COVID-19

While research has shown that most consumers are still open to brand messaging during the crisis, situational awareness is key, and reaching people ‘in the right way’ is essential to effectiveness. To help with this, Instagram has this week shared some key tips on how brands can maintain audience connection via Instagram Stories.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-provides-tips-on-how-brands-can-use-stories-to-connect-with-audie/576680/

Data Shows How Coronavirus Has Influenced Employer Branding

Companies have had to scrap their old employer branding plans and focus on meeting the moment at hand.

Looking at LinkedIn data, you can see how quickly things have changed. The share of posts addressing COVID-19 and working from home have rapidly increased — as has engagement with those posts. The tone has also changed, with themes of support, community, and care on the rise.

Here’s a closer look at how employer branding messages have changed, which messages are resonating the most, and where to go from here.

Link: https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/blog/employer-brand/2020/data-shows-how-coronavirus-has-influenced-employer-branding?src=fb-fb&veh=fb-fb&utm_source=fb-fb&utm_medium=fb-fb&utm_campaign=fb-fb&linkId=100000011920897

New Twitter Data Underlines the Emergence of Gaming – and Marketers Need to Take Note

Gaming is set to become a $196 billion market by 2022, and five of the top 10 channels on YouTube in 2019 were directly connected to the gaming community.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/new-twitter-data-underlines-the-emergence-of-gaming-and-marketers-need-to/576766/