Tag Archives: burger king

Monday Morning Learning – 11 May

YouTube Adds New Options for Marketers Looking to Reach Viewers Watching on Home TV Screens

With streaming content consumption soaring during the COVID-19 lockdowns, YouTube is seeing some major shifts in viewing behavior, and it’s now looking to provide new ad options to help marketers tap into these evolving consumption trends.


Burger King Will Give You a Free Whopper If You Catch Its Moving QR Code on TV

Burger King (USA) gamifies TV ads during quarantine to promote its burgers for order via the BK App


Instagram is Testing New Ways to Navigate Through Your Stories Feed

Over the past few years, Facebook has repeatedly noted that Stories are on track to overtake the News Feed as the primary surface for social media engagement.


Facebook Is Running a New Series of Education Sessions for Facebook Group Admins

After recently running a series of workshops to help community leaders make the best use of Facebook groups to maintain a connection during COVID-19, Facebook has now announced a new schedule of education events for Facebook group admins, which are designed to help people better manage their online communities, while also facilitating more connection between community leaders.


Instagram Will Now Show Stories and Posts from Health Bodies More Prominently in User Feeds

Instagram has announced that it will now surface Stories from official health bodies that you follow higher in your Stories feed, in order to help increase the distribution of key COVID-19 updates and information. This only relates to health organizations that you’ve chosen to follow, so it won’t increase the reach of such messaging across the board, and it won’t change anything for those who don’t want such in their Insta feed. But for those who may be using Instagram to stay connected to key updates, now they’ll be easier to find within the two streams.


Facebook Videos Longer than 30 Seconds Might Not Play Completely on Feed Anymore.

After 30 seconds, the video will stop and FB will invite you to continue watching on Facebook Watch.