Second World Cup / SECOND WORLD CUP
KRDS Scope
- Art Direction
- Concept
- HTML Integration
Big events call for big data. With the 2014 World Cup coming up, data was expecting to get bigger than ever.
How to display all these data in the most intuitive way ? We decided to take up this data-visualization challenge.

That how we created Second World Cup. A platform on which YOU are the player. Big balls, using only social media activities, can make or break the ranking. for every match we created live-tweet battle, based on the number of supporting tweets. The website also generated overall team and player ranking based on our results. So when Belgium eliminated The USA, well, it’s not what happened on SecondWorld Cup. And when Neymar got injured, he kept running on our website thanks to the support of his fans. He actually did a little more than than by beating the 27 national teams along with every player on overall ranking.
In the end, we gathered close to 1 billion social activities from all across the world.
And we got interest for media globally. Beyond data collection, we create something to convert true passion into the most important part of the game.
Oh, and who won ? Well you can still found out on secondworldcup.com