Tag Archives: dove

Monday Morning Learning – 13 April 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on Search Trends and SEO

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every industry and business in some form, ranging from complete shutdowns to massive increases in buying in certain sectors.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/the-impact-of-covid-19-on-search-trends-and-seo-infographic/575576/

Dove Puts a New Face on ‘Real Beauty’ in Homage to Health Workers 

Dove has put a new face on Real Beauty advertising through a “Courage Is Beautiful” campaign, breaking in the U.S., showing faces of healthcare workers marked by the protective gear they’ve been wearing during the coronavirus crisis.

Link: https://adage.com/creativity/work/dove-courage-beautiful/2249271?utm_source=creativity-daily-friday&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200410&utm_content=hero-headline

Facebook Publishes New Guide on How to Maintain Connection With Audiences Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Facebook has published a new, 64-page guide of key tips and notes to help brands and organizations maintain a connection with their Facebook and Instagram audiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-publishes-new-guide-on-how-to-maintain-connection-with-audiences-a/575861/

The Evolving Discussion Around COVID-19 and How Brands Have Responded

An overview of the evolution of the COVID-19 discussion across social media, which looks at what people are saying, where they’re saying it, and how some brands have responded.

Link: Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/the-evolving-discussion-around-covid-19-and-how-brands-have-responded-info/575769/

YouTube Moves to Restrict Videos About COVID-19/5G Conspiracy Theory

YouTube has confirmed that it will reduce the recommendation and distribution of videos that promote conspiracy theories that link the spread of COVID-19 to 5G technology.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/youtube-moves-to-restrict-videos-about-covid-195g-conspiracy-theory/575564

Instagram Launches ‘Thank You Hour’ Sticker and Story to Share Appreciation During COVID-19 Pandemic

Instagram has launched a new ‘Thank You Hour’ initiative, which will see Stories frames that include the new ‘Thank You Hour’ sticker added to a collective Story that showcases the various things that people are appreciative of amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-launches-thank-you-hour-sticker-and-story-to-share-appreciation/575860/