Tag Archives: advertising

Monday Morning Learning – 13 July 2020

Instagram Provides New Options to Manage How IGTV Previews Appear in the Main Feed and Discover

Instagram has added some new tools to help IGTV creators manage how their content appears when it’s listed in the main feed, and within the Discover tab. There are now more options to control how your IGTV video previews are displayed, with ‘profile cover’ relating to the thumbnail shown in Discover feeds.


Instagram Gives All Users the Option to Pin Post Comments

The platform has today confirmed that all users can now pin up to three comments within their post-interaction streams. Things to highlight:

The option is designed to encourage more civil discussion by “highlighting positive comments”

It could also be a great way to amplify common questions and answers. If someone asks a good question about your product, you could pin it, then reply, helping profile visitors get more context.


WhatsApp Adds QR Codes for Businesses

You can now open directly a conversation through QR Codes


Instagram Is on Pace to Overtake Twitter as a News Source

Younger users in particular are much more likely to turn to Instagram for news. In the US specifically, 12% of adults overall used Instagram for coronavirus-related news in April, but more than double (26%) of those aged 18-24 used it for that purpose.

While the text is still the most popular mode of digital news consumption, younger audiences are more likely than older generations to prefer visual storytelling formats for their news. 


Google Adds New Predicted Audience Action Tools into Google Analytics

Analytics will now suggest new predictive audiences that you can create in the Audience Builder. For example, using Purchase Probability, we will suggest the audience “Likely 7-day purchasers” which includes users who are most likely to purchase in the next seven days.


Monday Morning Learning – 8 June 2020

From Takeovers to Top View ads, What It Costs to Advertise on TikTok

Ads start at $8 per cost-per-thousand-impressions in the U.K. Also, they require advertisers to spend a minimum of $25,000. The platform isn’t for those advertisers looking for cheap viral marketing campaigns. Rather, it’s a premium media buy for those with deep pockets. More details on ads and pricing in the article.

TikTok Shares Case Study on How to Implement a Branded Hashtag Campaign

Brands create a specific hashtag linked to a video challenge, which they can then use to expand their messaging by facilitating an interactive, engaging video response campaign. That’s not necessarily easy – you can’t just come up with an idea and expect TikTok users to follow along.


Instagram Tests New Format for Recommended Content Listings Below the ‘All Caught Up’ Marker

Instagram is testing a new format for its suggested follow listings which would appear within your main feed, below newly posted updates. The new recommendation listings appear within the main feed, with separate tabs for ‘Suggested’ and ‘Older’ posts. The ‘Older’ listing takes you back to posts that you’ve already seen.


How Social Platforms are Responding to the #BlackLivesMatter Protests Across the US

With #BlackLivesMatter protests being held in various cities across the US in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, social media platforms have also been adding their support to the cause.


Facebook Creates Shopping Data Sets to Make More Humanlike Chatbots

Facebook researchers this week introduced Situated Interactive MultiModal Conversations (SIMMC), a novel research direction aimed at training AI chatbots that take actions like showing an object and explaining what it’s made of in response to images, memories of previous interactions, and individual requests. They detail new data sets designed for this purpose containing around 13,000 human-to-human dialogs across two domains — furniture and fashion — along with several tasks framed as objective evaluation protocols.

YouTube Rolls Out Video Chapters to All Creators

After testing them out with selected users over the last month, YouTube is now officially launching its new chapters segmentation display for video clips. YouTube has built-in haptic feedback on mobile – “so users will feel a slight “thump” that informs them they’re moving into a new chapter”. On platforms where haptic feedback is not available, YouTube will ‘snap’ you to the start of each chapter.


Omron Places its Social Media Duties With KRDS Singapore Fourth Year In a Row

Omron is a trusted name in Healthcare. It has been providing technologically advanced medical monitoring equipment over the past 40 years. Over the past years, they have been recognized for their smart healthcare devices. The trusted brand has renewed its contract with KRDS Singapore for the fourth year in a row since its initial signing in 2015. The renewal arose after KRDS has enabled the brand to amplify their overall reach and engagement in 2018.


The goal for 2019 is to position Omron as the go-to-brand for Healthcare at home. The brand has exciting products in the pipeline which will be a great addition to their current roster of smart devices. The agency will be customizing content to suit the brand’s new positioning. The focus for this year is on video content as they’ve proven to perform better on Facebook. KRDS will be creating more innovative and immersive content for Singapore and Malaysia on Facebook by making use of all the features the platform has to offer.

Commenting on the renewal Preetham Venkky, Director at KRDS Asia said:
“We are humbled and stoked to be working with Omron for another exciting year. 2018 has been a wonderful year where we’ve learnt and grown from each other’s expertise. We’re excited to explore new content formats and visual styles to tell the brand’s story on Facebook. We’re hopeful that we’ll continue to build our relationship with Omron and reach new heights together.

Tang Pei Yi, Assistant Marketing Manager at OMRON HEALTHCARE SINGAPORE PTE LTD, said:
“We value the long-term relationship with KRDS as our Facebook agency for the past four years. KRDS has demonstrated strong capabilities in producing quality and relevant content to engage our target audience. What is more important is that KRDS provided much professionalism to ensure the work is produced in a timely manner and input for effective audience targeting and reach out. We look forward to another great year of collaboration with KRDS!”