Tag Archives: LinkedIn

Monday Morning Learning – 18 May 2020

Why Marketers Aren’t Spending On Tiktok Despite Its Explosive Growth

According to a leaked pitch deck, TikTok offers brands various advertising campaigns such as in-feed videos, brand takeover, creating a hashtag challenge, building a branded lens on the platform, and custom influencer package. However, despite its wide reach of over 800 million users monthly globally, marketers do not seem to be too keen on pushing its marketing efforts on the platform.


Instagram Officially Launches Option to Share Instagram Live Broadcasts to IGTV

As per Instagram:

– Live video replays won’t include any likes or comments from your original live video

– The number of viewers for your live video will restart once you share it to IGTV

– You won’t be able to edit or trim your live video before sharing it to IGTV


Facebook Adds Messenger Rooms for Groups and Events

While it’s still in the process of rolling out its new Messenger Rooms group video chat feature to all users, Facebook has today announced that Messenger Rooms will also be available within groups and events, providing another engagement option within smaller audience subsets.


LinkedIn Launches its Own Polls Option to Facilitate More Engagement

After it was spotted in testing last month, LinkedIn has now officially launched its new native polls option, providing another way to gather feedback and boost engagement on the platform.


LinkedIn Rebrands Editorial Team to LinkedIn News as it Continues to Expand News Coverage and Content

Editors play a central role in LinkedIn’s professional community, from original reporting to cultivating/curating conversations from members, Influencers and publishers. Their intent is to give professionals the news and views they need now to stay informed and to build their voices. To help members connect with this content, they are launching a distinct editorial identity – LinkedIn News – that positions them as a “trusted professional news brand”.


Google Chrome adds new tab grouping feature to make organisation easier

Users will soon be able to start grouping their tabs, eg by topic or by urgency, etc.


Monday Morning Learning – 6 April 2020

Google Donates $6.5 Million in Funding to Assist Fact-Checking Organizations in Battling COVID-19 Misinformation

It’s interesting to see how social media has evolved over the years as compared to how the world battled with the previous, almost similar, SARS outbreak. Social media platforms did not have the need to spend such a high amount of money during crises as they must today – all to combat misinformation.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/google-donates-65-million-in-funding-to-assist-fact-checking-organization/575400/

Linkedin Shares Tips on What to Post During nCov 

LinkedIn’s engagement has been increasing for some time, so it’s not surprising to see more people turning to the platform for professional advice. And this week, LinkedIn has provided some tips on how people can make the best use of its platform to better connect and engage with their networks.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-shares-tips-on-what-to-post-during-covid-19-lockdowns/574905/

Facebook Adds New Tools for ‘Facebook Live’ Amid Rising Demand and Usage

First off, for regular Facebook users, The Social Network is adding automatic closed captions, while it’s also providing a new option for people to listen to the audio of Live broadcasts without viewing the video, enabling those with lower data capacity to tune in.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-tools-for-facebook-live-amid-rising-demand-and-usage/575060/

Facebook Adds New Video Features, Including ‘Series’ and Updates to Bulk Uploader

With more people looking for more content to watch online, Facebook has launched a new set of video features which are designed to help creators build audiences for their video content and promote return viewership:

  • Playlists update
  • Series
  • New videos tab
  • Updates to the bulk uploader

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-video-features-including-series-and-updates-to-bulk-up/575250/summary

Facebook Announces Full Launch of Messenger Desktop App for macOS and Windows

In light of COVID-19, FB Messenger has rolled out a Messenger on Desktop for both Windows and macOS. They are yet to test full functionalities on MacOS, but from the release, it’s a full Messenger version on desktop. It’s a move from them to help organisations and individuals stay connected with each other.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-announces-full-launch-of-messenger-desktop-app-for-macos-and-windo/575414/