Tag Archives: Snapchat

Monday Morning Learning – 6 July 2020

6 Facebook Ad Mistakes That Can Sink Your Marketing Budget (and How to Avoid Them)

Facebook ads can be a great promotional option and can provide significant benefits, with respect to both increasing brand awareness and boosting sales. But not all Facebook ad campaigns are created equal.

Often, even a seemingly simple oversight can cause you to quickly burn through your Facebook ads budget, without getting the results you want.

Here are six common Facebook ad errors that you need to avoid.


Facebook’s TikTok-clone Lasso is shutting down as Zuckerberg gears up to launch Instagram Reels

The news of Lasso’s exit comes on the heels of Facebook planning to launch Instagram Reels, another app that functions almost identically to TikTok. Unlike Lasso, Reels will be able to use Instagram’s users, which stood at 1 billion as of 2018, to cross-promote


Snapchat Launches New Shoppable AR ‘Try-On’ Campaign with Gucci Shoes

Snapchat and Gucci are launching the first global sponsored augmented reality shoe try-on Lenses on the social media platform. Gucci will feature four pairs of sneakers in two different Lenses (each Lens will showcase two pairs). Snapchatters will be able to try out the shoes in AR to see how they look.

This is not the first time Snapchat has featured products in an AR Lens, but it’s the first use of Snapchat’s Shoppable AR option, which will enable Snapchatters to purchase the shoes they like directly from the Lens via a “Shop Now” button.


Microsoft Building One Platform To Run Ads On Bing, Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

This gives small and medium-sized businesses one place to manage all their campaigns from social to search, including Bing and Google. The platform takes one budget and monitors performance across all platforms, and optimizes performance across the different channels. IF this takes off as expected, this could potentially reduce demand for point solutions that address channel optimizations across search, social and programmatic. Furthermore, this makes a performance-driven approach very accessible on a mass level.


LinkedIn Adds New Analytics Tools for Company Pages, New Process to Limit Page Follow Invites

LinkedIn has rolled out a range of new tweaks, including new Follower analytics for company pages, a new audio option for pronunciation on user profiles, and an alternative process for limiting company page invites.


Monday Morning Learning – 16 March 2020

TikTok Tests New Options to Add External URLs to Clips & Comment Downvoting

Last October, TikTok began testing a new option which enabled selected users to add Wikipedia links to their clips in order to provide more context on certain elements. Now TikTok appears to be expanding that option – user Sam Schmir has provided these screenshots of a new set of options in the ‘Add Link’ prompt which would enable creators to attach a link to Wikipedia, Yelp or TripAdvisor in their video post.


YouTube Switches ‘Trending’ Tab to ‘Explore’ Which Will Highlight More Content Categories

YouTube is replacing the ‘Trending’ tab in its app with a new ‘Explore’ listing, which will showcase more video categories, along with popular videos, in order to prompt broader discovery.


Instagram Bans Searches for COVID-19 AR Effects, Adds New Information Prompts in Home Feeds

After adding new information prompts and links to official resources in related search queries last week, Instagram is now expanding on its COVID-19 response tools, with additional information panels in the main feed and a ban on searches for coronavirus related AR masks.


TikTok Continues to Gain Momentum, But Challenges Remain in Maximizing the App’s Growth

TikTok was the most downloaded non-game app worldwide last month, outperforming both WhatsApp and Facebook. TikTok installs are up 96% year-over-year, with the COVID-19 outbreak seemingly fueling increased adoption as people look to keep themselves entertained while reducing their time spent in public.


Snapchat Launches ‘Lens Web Builder’ to Simplify the Creation of AR Lens Campaigns

With Snapchat’s AR Lens ads driving significant engagement and interaction in the app, the platform is now looking to open up the option to more brands, with a simplified AR Lens campaign option that enables businesses to build custom Lenses based on pre-made templates and/or Snap’s library of 3D objects.


Facebook Stories Tests Cross-Posting to Instagram

Facebook is testing the option to cross-post Stories to Instagram, instead of just vice-versa. Hopefully, that means the two apps will finally sync up the “already viewed” status of cross-posted Stories so we don’t have to watch reruns any more.