Tag Archives: Youtube

Monday Morning Learning – 11 May

YouTube Adds New Options for Marketers Looking to Reach Viewers Watching on Home TV Screens

With streaming content consumption soaring during the COVID-19 lockdowns, YouTube is seeing some major shifts in viewing behavior, and it’s now looking to provide new ad options to help marketers tap into these evolving consumption trends.


Burger King Will Give You a Free Whopper If You Catch Its Moving QR Code on TV

Burger King (USA) gamifies TV ads during quarantine to promote its burgers for order via the BK App


Instagram is Testing New Ways to Navigate Through Your Stories Feed

Over the past few years, Facebook has repeatedly noted that Stories are on track to overtake the News Feed as the primary surface for social media engagement.


Facebook Is Running a New Series of Education Sessions for Facebook Group Admins

After recently running a series of workshops to help community leaders make the best use of Facebook groups to maintain a connection during COVID-19, Facebook has now announced a new schedule of education events for Facebook group admins, which are designed to help people better manage their online communities, while also facilitating more connection between community leaders.


Instagram Will Now Show Stories and Posts from Health Bodies More Prominently in User Feeds

Instagram has announced that it will now surface Stories from official health bodies that you follow higher in your Stories feed, in order to help increase the distribution of key COVID-19 updates and information. This only relates to health organizations that you’ve chosen to follow, so it won’t increase the reach of such messaging across the board, and it won’t change anything for those who don’t want such in their Insta feed. But for those who may be using Instagram to stay connected to key updates, now they’ll be easier to find within the two streams.


Facebook Videos Longer than 30 Seconds Might Not Play Completely on Feed Anymore.

After 30 seconds, the video will stop and FB will invite you to continue watching on Facebook Watch.

Monday Morning Learning – 13 April 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on Search Trends and SEO

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every industry and business in some form, ranging from complete shutdowns to massive increases in buying in certain sectors.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/the-impact-of-covid-19-on-search-trends-and-seo-infographic/575576/

Dove Puts a New Face on ‘Real Beauty’ in Homage to Health Workers 

Dove has put a new face on Real Beauty advertising through a “Courage Is Beautiful” campaign, breaking in the U.S., showing faces of healthcare workers marked by the protective gear they’ve been wearing during the coronavirus crisis.

Link: https://adage.com/creativity/work/dove-courage-beautiful/2249271?utm_source=creativity-daily-friday&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200410&utm_content=hero-headline

Facebook Publishes New Guide on How to Maintain Connection With Audiences Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Facebook has published a new, 64-page guide of key tips and notes to help brands and organizations maintain a connection with their Facebook and Instagram audiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-publishes-new-guide-on-how-to-maintain-connection-with-audiences-a/575861/

The Evolving Discussion Around COVID-19 and How Brands Have Responded

An overview of the evolution of the COVID-19 discussion across social media, which looks at what people are saying, where they’re saying it, and how some brands have responded.

Link: Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/the-evolving-discussion-around-covid-19-and-how-brands-have-responded-info/575769/

YouTube Moves to Restrict Videos About COVID-19/5G Conspiracy Theory

YouTube has confirmed that it will reduce the recommendation and distribution of videos that promote conspiracy theories that link the spread of COVID-19 to 5G technology.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/youtube-moves-to-restrict-videos-about-covid-195g-conspiracy-theory/575564

Instagram Launches ‘Thank You Hour’ Sticker and Story to Share Appreciation During COVID-19 Pandemic

Instagram has launched a new ‘Thank You Hour’ initiative, which will see Stories frames that include the new ‘Thank You Hour’ sticker added to a collective Story that showcases the various things that people are appreciative of amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-launches-thank-you-hour-sticker-and-story-to-share-appreciation/575860/

Monday Morning Learning – 16 March 2020

TikTok Tests New Options to Add External URLs to Clips & Comment Downvoting

Last October, TikTok began testing a new option which enabled selected users to add Wikipedia links to their clips in order to provide more context on certain elements. Now TikTok appears to be expanding that option – user Sam Schmir has provided these screenshots of a new set of options in the ‘Add Link’ prompt which would enable creators to attach a link to Wikipedia, Yelp or TripAdvisor in their video post.


YouTube Switches ‘Trending’ Tab to ‘Explore’ Which Will Highlight More Content Categories

YouTube is replacing the ‘Trending’ tab in its app with a new ‘Explore’ listing, which will showcase more video categories, along with popular videos, in order to prompt broader discovery.


Instagram Bans Searches for COVID-19 AR Effects, Adds New Information Prompts in Home Feeds

After adding new information prompts and links to official resources in related search queries last week, Instagram is now expanding on its COVID-19 response tools, with additional information panels in the main feed and a ban on searches for coronavirus related AR masks.


TikTok Continues to Gain Momentum, But Challenges Remain in Maximizing the App’s Growth

TikTok was the most downloaded non-game app worldwide last month, outperforming both WhatsApp and Facebook. TikTok installs are up 96% year-over-year, with the COVID-19 outbreak seemingly fueling increased adoption as people look to keep themselves entertained while reducing their time spent in public.


Snapchat Launches ‘Lens Web Builder’ to Simplify the Creation of AR Lens Campaigns

With Snapchat’s AR Lens ads driving significant engagement and interaction in the app, the platform is now looking to open up the option to more brands, with a simplified AR Lens campaign option that enables businesses to build custom Lenses based on pre-made templates and/or Snap’s library of 3D objects.


Facebook Stories Tests Cross-Posting to Instagram

Facebook is testing the option to cross-post Stories to Instagram, instead of just vice-versa. Hopefully, that means the two apps will finally sync up the “already viewed” status of cross-posted Stories so we don’t have to watch reruns any more.