Tag Archives: Google

Monday Morning Learning – 20 July 2020

Facebook Rolls Out New Image Presentation Options to More Users

The new options appear at the bottom of the post composer, giving you four different image display formats to choose from. Users in different regions are now reporting access to the option, so it seems that it is on the way to all, sometime soon. That will provide new considerations for your Facebook posts, which could help to make your updates stand out in feeds. This is currently only applicable for users and not for brand pages.


Facebook Rolls Out Screen-Sharing in the Messenger App

Facebook is expanding its screen-sharing options in Messenger to both Messenger Rooms and the mobile app, providing another way to engage within Messenger video calls.


Google Adds New Ad Tools, Including Updated Visual Options and Prompts for Search Ads

Google’s launching a new beta program for image extensions, which will enable advertisers to include product visuals in search ads.

Google’s also adding new highlight markers for limited time offers, shipping capacity, and product availability in search ads, while Google’s also now testing new, dynamic carousel displays of your most relevant products in Display ads.


Nat Geo transports Instagram users to Mt Everest via AR

National Geographic aims to engage Instagram users with its July issue that features details from the Mt. Everest expedition co-sponsored last year to install high-altitude weather stations.

National Geographic is letting Instagram users immerse themselves in an expedition to the top of the world’s tallest mountain with an augmented reality (AR) experience. Users of the photo-sharing app can virtually dress as climbers and travel up Mt. Everest.

Users can see a 360-degree view by moving around their smartphones or swiping the screen. Viewers can see their breath by opening their mouths, and tap on a yellow dot to see a map of Mt. Everest that shows other areas to explore.


Alt TikTok Has Migrated To Byte After The Trump Administration’s Announcement And Is Taking Over

The very best part of TikTok is looking for greener pastures now that the Trump administration has set its sights on the China-based app.

In the last few days, Byte has been taken over by “alt TikTok,” a section of the app known for absurdist humor, as well as gay TikTok, which is more self-explanatory.

If you’re not familiar with Byte, no one can blame you. The app was launched in January by Dom Hofmann, co-creator of the much-beloved and much-missed Vine. Like Vine, or TikTok, it’s an app for sharing short, looping videos, but it hasn’t caught on with anywhere near the same intensity as TikTok has. But that may be about to change.


Twitter updates: Twitter Rolls Out New Direct Message Overlay to All Desktop Users

Twitter has now officially launched its new direct message chat window on desktop, which enables users to engage with their messages without having to leave their main tweet feed.

Twitter Officially Launches New ‘Retweets with Comments’

From now on, your retweet count will include both basic retweets AND retweets with comments, and you’ll also be able to see which is which in a new listing within the tweet detail.


130 Twitter Accounts Impacted, Personal Information Compromised

The affected accounts included Barack Obama, Apple, Jeff Bezos, and Kim Kardashian. On Friday, NYT published details that it had gleaned from a group of hackers who’ve claimed responsibility for the hack. NYT was able to verify their explanations by matching their Bitcoin accounts with the address listed in the tweets. According to the report, a hacker going by the name of ‘Kirk’ was able to gain access to Twitter’s administration tools by first being added to Twitter’s internal Slack channel, where the details he needed had been posted in various exchanges.


Monday Morning Learning – 13 July 2020

Instagram Provides New Options to Manage How IGTV Previews Appear in the Main Feed and Discover

Instagram has added some new tools to help IGTV creators manage how their content appears when it’s listed in the main feed, and within the Discover tab. There are now more options to control how your IGTV video previews are displayed, with ‘profile cover’ relating to the thumbnail shown in Discover feeds.


Instagram Gives All Users the Option to Pin Post Comments

The platform has today confirmed that all users can now pin up to three comments within their post-interaction streams. Things to highlight:

The option is designed to encourage more civil discussion by “highlighting positive comments”

It could also be a great way to amplify common questions and answers. If someone asks a good question about your product, you could pin it, then reply, helping profile visitors get more context.


WhatsApp Adds QR Codes for Businesses

You can now open directly a conversation through QR Codes


Instagram Is on Pace to Overtake Twitter as a News Source

Younger users in particular are much more likely to turn to Instagram for news. In the US specifically, 12% of adults overall used Instagram for coronavirus-related news in April, but more than double (26%) of those aged 18-24 used it for that purpose.

While the text is still the most popular mode of digital news consumption, younger audiences are more likely than older generations to prefer visual storytelling formats for their news. 


Google Adds New Predicted Audience Action Tools into Google Analytics

Analytics will now suggest new predictive audiences that you can create in the Audience Builder. For example, using Purchase Probability, we will suggest the audience “Likely 7-day purchasers” which includes users who are most likely to purchase in the next seven days.


Monday Morning Learning – 6 April 2020

Google Donates $6.5 Million in Funding to Assist Fact-Checking Organizations in Battling COVID-19 Misinformation

It’s interesting to see how social media has evolved over the years as compared to how the world battled with the previous, almost similar, SARS outbreak. Social media platforms did not have the need to spend such a high amount of money during crises as they must today – all to combat misinformation.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/google-donates-65-million-in-funding-to-assist-fact-checking-organization/575400/

Linkedin Shares Tips on What to Post During nCov 

LinkedIn’s engagement has been increasing for some time, so it’s not surprising to see more people turning to the platform for professional advice. And this week, LinkedIn has provided some tips on how people can make the best use of its platform to better connect and engage with their networks.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-shares-tips-on-what-to-post-during-covid-19-lockdowns/574905/

Facebook Adds New Tools for ‘Facebook Live’ Amid Rising Demand and Usage

First off, for regular Facebook users, The Social Network is adding automatic closed captions, while it’s also providing a new option for people to listen to the audio of Live broadcasts without viewing the video, enabling those with lower data capacity to tune in.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-tools-for-facebook-live-amid-rising-demand-and-usage/575060/

Facebook Adds New Video Features, Including ‘Series’ and Updates to Bulk Uploader

With more people looking for more content to watch online, Facebook has launched a new set of video features which are designed to help creators build audiences for their video content and promote return viewership:

  • Playlists update
  • Series
  • New videos tab
  • Updates to the bulk uploader

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-video-features-including-series-and-updates-to-bulk-up/575250/summary

Facebook Announces Full Launch of Messenger Desktop App for macOS and Windows

In light of COVID-19, FB Messenger has rolled out a Messenger on Desktop for both Windows and macOS. They are yet to test full functionalities on MacOS, but from the release, it’s a full Messenger version on desktop. It’s a move from them to help organisations and individuals stay connected with each other.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-announces-full-launch-of-messenger-desktop-app-for-macos-and-windo/575414/