Published on 23 Nov '21

Instagram Now Lets You Delete a Single Photo from a Carousel

Instagram has made it possible to remove individual items from a carousel post that has at least three photographs or videos. However, you may only delete items from the carousel; you cannot replace or reorder them. To remove an image or video from a carousel, hit the three dots in the upper right corner of the post and then click “edit.” Then, in the top-left corner, swipe to the photo or image you wish to delete and hit the “delete” symbol. Currently, the new functionality is only accessible on iOS, with Android compatibility coming soon.

Instagram Rolls Out New ‘Rage Shake’ Feature 

Users may now shake their phones to report an issue on the app using the new ‘Rage Shake’ function. Whatever problems you have with the app, such as Stories not loading or music not playing, the new feature allows you to shake your phone and a small button will appear that allows you to report a problem. You can explain what happened with the app and submit the problem after shaking to report. This new feature intends to assist Instagram with prioritising bugs and learning about other issues that need to be addressed in the app. For the time being, it is only available in the United States for both iOS and Android users.


Facebook Eases Social Issues Ads Policy to Allow Product-Focused Ads to Run Without a Disclaimer

Previously Facebook disallowed boosting of posts that relates to a social cause or product/services. However, this time they have revised that restriction and has allowed product or services relating to the social issue to be boosted without the need for account and profile verification.

Types of ads that has been allowed

  • A product or service is prominently shown in use or named or referenced in the ad;
  • The primary purpose of the ad is to sell a product or promote a service, even if the ad content includes advocacy for a social issue; and
  • The ad content contains a call-to-action to purchase or use the product or service


Facebook Tests New User Content Controls for News Feed

In their News Feed Preferences, consumers may now increase or decrease the quantity of content they see from their friends, family, Groups, and Pages, as well as the topics they care about.

It could be a good way to provide people with more control over their feed – though, of course, that does depend on how many people actually use it, with previous data showing that many people don’t change their Facebook settings, even when there’s a clear reason that they should.

It puts the onus on users, giving them more control, while Facebook itself knows that many won’t bother, ensuring it largely maintains the status quo in usage.
