Published on 30 Nov '21

Google Adds New Trend Prediction Tools, Personalized to Your Business, to Google Ad Insights

Google is introducing new predictive aspects to Google Ads insights, using machine learning and historical data to forecast expected consumer behaviours. Users can view this function on the Insights page in Google Ads while it is still in development.

Google’s testing demand forecasts – Estimations of likely search interest for your products over the next 6 months by combining machine learning and past seasonal search trends

  • You can see trendlines for predicted search interest, actual search interest and clicks you’ve received from the trend
  • While this depends on how accurate the predictions are, it could still help with plan and strategy with the use of historical data to analyse and predict consumers’ search pattern

Consumer interest insight – Shows the number of people searching for each theme, the overall growth of each element and provide performance recommendations

  • Although consumer habits have changed significantly since COVID, it could improve over time with predictions that align with the shift in focus and behaviour

Audience insights – Can provide information on consumers’ interest, even what type of creativity they respond to or more likely would

  • It might provide indicative data with more specific information on what’s working in your Google Ads efforts


Tik Tok announced the testing of a new business registration option to confirm business information in the app

As part of their e-commerce strategy, the new business registration option will enable businesses to list their company category on their profiles and receive early access to new business features.

By doing so, Tik Tok can collect information on businesses and categorise pages into different groups on the app, allowing it to show relevant businesses to users, explain what brands have to offer, and encourage profile visitors to make purchases.


Instagram’s Efforts to Win Back Young Users Will See Video Become the Focus of the Main Feed Display

In order to compete with TikTok, IG has started switching from its traditional content feed to a mobile/vertical first display. This is important because they’ve discovered that younger audiences are less inclined to use their VR/AR function.

One of the key reasons behind this, we believe, is the high cost of AR/VR gadgets for the younger age. (In the next 5 years, this should decrease.) IGS will be automatically shared on Reels as part of this update.

Instagram Launches Live Test of Longer Videos in Stories

Instagram has now officially launched a live test of 60-second videos in Stories, which will mean that longer video clips will no longer be split into 15-second segments, and played across various Story frames. Right now it’s being tested with a small group of users.
