Monday Morning Learning – 29 March 2021

Published on 30 Mar '21

STB takes Americans on a virtual taxi tour via Twitch to showcase the country’s hidden gems

With borders still largely closed across the globe and gaming usage up 75% amid COVID, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has partnered with creative agency TBWA\Chiat\Day NY to virtually open its doors for Americans to explore the country via livestream taxi tours on Twitch: Singapore by Stream.

TikTok is Reportedly Looking to Add a Group Chat Feature Later This Year

TikTok may be looking at launching a group chat feature later this year to build on its engagement rate and to develop the platform into a social interactions app. This has been done by Douyin back in 2019 and TikTok is looking at possibly replicating the feature to challenge Facebook’s dominance over social media. By offering an extra channel to socialize, Douyin’s new functionality may keep its users in the app for longer periods and may even serve as a tool for current users to invite more of their friends to join Douyin.

Twitter’s Developing New ‘Community’ Tools to Share Tweets with Selected Audiences

Twitter previewed a new, groups-like option called ‘Communities’, which would enable Twitter users to share their tweets within selected sub-groups of users, as opposed to sharing with everybody.

Communities would enable you to select a specific audience for each tweet. That could enable Twitter users to engage with a wider breadth of topics and interests, without being concerned about boring all of their followers with irrelevant updates, or more extreme, having to create separate Twitter profiles for different purposes.

Instagram Announces That Stories Drafts are Coming Soon

1. Instagram will soon introduce Stories Drafts

2. Helps brands, content creators schedule their posts to the most relevant, optimal timings

3. While we do have a subscription to OnlyPult, the limitation is that we are not allowed to add interactive stickers to the Stories while scheduling from the app

4. If we can schedule it natively from IG, there is the possibility of adding elements that would add life to the stories like GIFs, Question & Quiz stickers, poll stickers, etc. — all of which would be really helpful to us as social media practitioners

5. To be able to create more engaging content and being able to post it at optimal timings — it combines content and strategy, which is aligned to our approach