Tag Archives: MML

Monday Morning Learning – 6 April 2020

Google Donates $6.5 Million in Funding to Assist Fact-Checking Organizations in Battling COVID-19 Misinformation

It’s interesting to see how social media has evolved over the years as compared to how the world battled with the previous, almost similar, SARS outbreak. Social media platforms did not have the need to spend such a high amount of money during crises as they must today – all to combat misinformation.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/google-donates-65-million-in-funding-to-assist-fact-checking-organization/575400/

Linkedin Shares Tips on What to Post During nCov 

LinkedIn’s engagement has been increasing for some time, so it’s not surprising to see more people turning to the platform for professional advice. And this week, LinkedIn has provided some tips on how people can make the best use of its platform to better connect and engage with their networks.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-shares-tips-on-what-to-post-during-covid-19-lockdowns/574905/

Facebook Adds New Tools for ‘Facebook Live’ Amid Rising Demand and Usage

First off, for regular Facebook users, The Social Network is adding automatic closed captions, while it’s also providing a new option for people to listen to the audio of Live broadcasts without viewing the video, enabling those with lower data capacity to tune in.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-tools-for-facebook-live-amid-rising-demand-and-usage/575060/

Facebook Adds New Video Features, Including ‘Series’ and Updates to Bulk Uploader

With more people looking for more content to watch online, Facebook has launched a new set of video features which are designed to help creators build audiences for their video content and promote return viewership:

  • Playlists update
  • Series
  • New videos tab
  • Updates to the bulk uploader

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-video-features-including-series-and-updates-to-bulk-up/575250/summary

Facebook Announces Full Launch of Messenger Desktop App for macOS and Windows

In light of COVID-19, FB Messenger has rolled out a Messenger on Desktop for both Windows and macOS. They are yet to test full functionalities on MacOS, but from the release, it’s a full Messenger version on desktop. It’s a move from them to help organisations and individuals stay connected with each other.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-announces-full-launch-of-messenger-desktop-app-for-macos-and-windo/575414/

Monday Morning Learning – 30 March 2020

Facebook Introduces Community Hub for Messenger Users to Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic

Facebook announces the Coronavirus Community Hub on Messenger that provides tips, authentic information, and other resources to the users to stay connected and informed about the coronavirus breakout.


Instagram’s Testing a New Set of Animated Selfie Stickers for Stories

The new, animated selfie sticker tool overlays graphics and effects related to different emoji characters on top of your image. The rounded selfie stickers can be applied as many times as you like within a Stories frame.


12 Iconic Logos Redesigned Through the COVID-19 Lens

Marketing Mag covered an artist’s re-imagination of different logos that promote safe and healthy habits.


Facebook is Rolling Out a New Set of Updates for Facebook Live 

Because of rising demand for live-stream content amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, including audio only and closed captions, Facebook is coming out with a new set of updates that can create a better user experience.


Instagram Launches Co-Watching of Posts During Video Chat

Now you can scroll Instagram together with friends, turning a typically isolating, passive experience into something more social and active. Today, Instagram launched Co-Watching, which lets friends on a video chat or group video chat browse through feed posts one user has Liked or Saved, or that Instagram recommends.

Instagram’s Testing a New Option to Promote the Sale of Gift Cards via Your Business Profile

According to a new discovery by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Instagram is working on a new ‘Links’ option within its business profile settings that would enable brands to add a new quick link, via a profile button or sticker, to guide visitors to purchase gift cards or make donations.


Monday Morning Learning – 16 March 2020

TikTok Tests New Options to Add External URLs to Clips & Comment Downvoting

Last October, TikTok began testing a new option which enabled selected users to add Wikipedia links to their clips in order to provide more context on certain elements. Now TikTok appears to be expanding that option – user Sam Schmir has provided these screenshots of a new set of options in the ‘Add Link’ prompt which would enable creators to attach a link to Wikipedia, Yelp or TripAdvisor in their video post.


YouTube Switches ‘Trending’ Tab to ‘Explore’ Which Will Highlight More Content Categories

YouTube is replacing the ‘Trending’ tab in its app with a new ‘Explore’ listing, which will showcase more video categories, along with popular videos, in order to prompt broader discovery.


Instagram Bans Searches for COVID-19 AR Effects, Adds New Information Prompts in Home Feeds

After adding new information prompts and links to official resources in related search queries last week, Instagram is now expanding on its COVID-19 response tools, with additional information panels in the main feed and a ban on searches for coronavirus related AR masks.


TikTok Continues to Gain Momentum, But Challenges Remain in Maximizing the App’s Growth

TikTok was the most downloaded non-game app worldwide last month, outperforming both WhatsApp and Facebook. TikTok installs are up 96% year-over-year, with the COVID-19 outbreak seemingly fueling increased adoption as people look to keep themselves entertained while reducing their time spent in public.


Snapchat Launches ‘Lens Web Builder’ to Simplify the Creation of AR Lens Campaigns

With Snapchat’s AR Lens ads driving significant engagement and interaction in the app, the platform is now looking to open up the option to more brands, with a simplified AR Lens campaign option that enables businesses to build custom Lenses based on pre-made templates and/or Snap’s library of 3D objects.


Facebook Stories Tests Cross-Posting to Instagram

Facebook is testing the option to cross-post Stories to Instagram, instead of just vice-versa. Hopefully, that means the two apps will finally sync up the “already viewed” status of cross-posted Stories so we don’t have to watch reruns any more.


Monday Morning Learning – 9 March 2020

Twitter Tests ‘Disappearing Messages’ Feature

Twitter appears to be following other social media platforms in offering disappearing messages where tweets are allowed to vanish after 24 hours.


Facebook Finally Launches Dark Mode for WhatsApp

WhatsApp Dark Mode is rolling out this week. Users on Android 10 and iOS 13 can use dark mode by enabling it in system settings, while users on Android 9 and below can go into WhatsApp Settings > Chats > Theme and select Dark.


Facebook Dark Mode is Getting Closer

Dark mode is already available on Messenger, having been rolled out last April, and it recently appeared in Facebook Lite too, though only for some users.


TikTok Adds New Analytics Element to Creator Marketplace

This week, TikTok is rolling out some new analytics tools in its Creator Marketplace app, including real-time insights into influencer campaign views, engagement rates and engaged audience demographics.

Not everyone has access to the Creator Marketplace yet. TikTok says that it is currently using an “exclusively invitation-based experience system” for the tool, so you may not be able to use it. Brands can apply via the main website, or contact TikTok for a prioritized invitation via the Help Center.

Facebook Implements Bans on Ads Seeking to Capitalize on Coronavirus Fears

With concerns around the spread of the novel coronavirus, Facebook is now taking action against profiteering advertisers that seek to capitalize on such concerns.


Using Emojis in Social Media

Emojis have become a common element in modern communication, with research showing that 92% of people have used, and/or regularly use, emojis in their messaging. The URL below contains an infographic that outlines a range of reasons why you should consider emojis in your brand messaging, along with some key pointers to steer you clear of potential emoji misuse.


LinkedIn Has Confirmed that LinkedIn Stories are Coming Soon

LinkedIn is currently testing LinkedIn Stories internally, though there’s no timeline for a full rollout.

They’ve learned so much already about the unique possibilities of ‘Stories’ in a professional context. For example, the sequencing of the ‘Stories’ format is great for sharing key moments from work events, and the full-screen narrative style makes it easy to share tips and tricks that help us work smarter.



Monday Morning Learning – 24 February 2020

Facebook Launches New Creator Studio Mobile App

This week, Facebook launched a new mobile version of its Creator Studio tool, with a separate Creator Studio app to help better manage your Facebook Pages OTG. You’ll be able to manage and edit Page posts, view performance analytics and respond to messages – with the added capacity to manage multiple Facebook Pages through the app.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-launches-new-creator-studio-mobile-app/572754/

Facebook Tests New Format for Separate Facebook Stories Discovery Page

Facebook has continued its onward march with Facebook Stories by testing out a new format for its separate Stories discovery page, which can be accessed by tapping on the ‘See All Stories’ prompt underneath the main Facebook Stories bar.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-tests-new-format-for-separate-facebook-stories-discovery-page/572598/

Twitter Suspends a ‘Large Network’ of Fake Accounts Used to Match Phone Numbers to Users

Security researcher Ibrahim Balic found that a bug in Twitter’s Android app let him submit millions of phone numbers through an official API, which returned any associated user account.

The feature is intended to let friends look up your Twitter handle through your number, but obviously submitting millions of numbers goes “beyond its intended use case”.

Source: https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/03/twitter-suspends-large-network-of-fake-accounts-used-to-match-phone-numbers-to-users/

Facebook Tests Easier Access to Chronological News Feed and Other Feed 

The test provides three different variations of the News Feed in separate tabs, which would be accessible along the top of the feed list.

The three versions are:

  • Most Relevant – Which is the current, default algorithm-defined feed view.
  • Most Recent – Which would enable you to see the latest posts from the people and Pages you follow in reverse chronological order.
  • Already Seen – Which would enable you to go back over the posts you’re already viewed, which could be handy for finding that thing you saw a while back.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-tests-easier-access-to-chronological-news-feed-and-other-feed-sort/572476/

Facebook Testing New Color Highlighting for Links and Hashtags in Post Text

The tests show links, tags and hashtags to be in Facebook blue colour as opposed to the current black bold. This would help them stand out in the copy and grab the attention of the user.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebooks-testing-new-color-highlighting-for-links-and-hashtags-in-post-te/572479/

The Four Vs in Personalisation 

These can be a game-changer by helping create value to the customer by showing them only relevant information and also to the marketer by giving them the best returns on investment and value to the brand through increased brand loyalty.

  • Volume: The volume of customer data for analysis, which is used to develop a personalized experience is huge. 
  • Variety: The variety of data points that are unstructured and can be collected from many sources like social media posts, purchasing patterns, photos, and videos, etc helps create a persona for each customer.
  • Veracity: Thanks to AI algorithms, the data is becoming more reliable. It helps brands derive accurate insights and marketing plans from their strategy.
  • Velocity: The frequency with which brands can generate data and analyze it is critical for the success of personalization.

Source: https://brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/the-people-report/how-personalisation-tools-are-changing-digital-interactions/74263839



Facebook Will Shutter Audience Network for Mobile Sites

The decision may be in response to recent changes by companies like Google and Apple to limit audience tracking with third-party cookies amid growing concerns about privacy and brand safety.

Source: https://www.mobilemarketer.com/news/facebook-will-shutter-audience-network-for-mobile-sites/571807/

Next on Google Chrome’s Hitlist: Intrusive Ads

Google Chrome is blocking intrusive ad formats within short-form videos from 5 August 2020. More specifically, the ad formats affected will be:

  1. Long, non-skippable pre-roll ads or groups of ads longer than 31 seconds that appear before a video and that cannot be made to skip within the first five seconds
  2. Mid-roll ads of any duration that appear in the middle of a video, interrupting the user’s experience
  3. Image or text ads that appear on top of a playing video and are in the middle (⅓ of the video player window) or cover more than 20% of the video content

Instagram is Testing a New Trimming Tool for Instagram Stories Clips

Instagram is working on a new video trimming feature for Instagram Stories, which would make it easier to edit and upload your Stories clips within the app.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-is-testing-a-new-trimming-tool-for-instagram-stories-clips/571963/

Instagram Rolls Out Option to Reply to Stories With GIFs

It’s a minor update, in relative terms, but now you can reply to a friend’s story with your favorite GIPHY GIFs.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-rolls-out-option-to-reply-to-stories-with-gifs/571730/

IGTV to get monetized

Instagram is looking for opportunities to monetize IGTV to improve the uptake of the platform.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/igtv-monetization-is-coming-which-could-make-it-a-much-more-significant-co/571897/

How Marketers Can Stay One Step Ahead of the Voice Search Trend

  1. Voice search is clearly no longer just another search option to keep in mind
  2. 30% of these searches are done without a screen
  3. Voice search queries include three to five keywords and are longer than text-based searches
  4. 20% of UK consumers use voice search devices multiple times a day

Source: https://www.marketingtechnews.net/news/2020/jan/22/how-marketers-can-stay-one-step-ahead-voice-search-trend-guide/

Instagram Adds New Listings of ‘Least Interacted With’ and ‘Most Shown in Feed’ in Following Tab

Instagram has rolled out two new category listings within your ‘Following’ tab which will enable you to see which accounts get the most visibility in your feed, and which ones you rarely engage with.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-adds-new-listings-of-least-interacted-with-and-most-shown-in-f/571870/ 


TikTok Provides Option to Upload Content via Desktop

This could be handy for digital marketers looking to make use of the rising video app TikTok. Users can now upload TikTok videos via the desktop version of the app.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/tiktok-provides-option-to-upload-content-via-desktop/571867/

TikTok Is Testing a New Instagram-Like Profile Format

TikTok is reportedly looking to update its profile design, switching to a more Instagram-style format.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/tiktoks-testing-a-new-instagram-like-profile-format-while-questions-remai/571727/

Monday Morning Learning – 20th January 2020

Facebook Reportedly Won’t Go Through With Whatsapp Ads

With Facebook dropping its plans to put up ads on WhatsApp, the latter will be focusing on building features for its business users. A large number of people use WhatsApp for their businesses. The company has been rolling out features that can aid small to medium scale companies and they are expected to stay on this path for now.

Continue reading Monday Morning Learning – 20th January 2020