Tag Archives: Instagram

Monday Morning Learning – 18 August 2020

Instagram Looks to Crackdown on Bots with New Review and ID Process

Instagram is making a new push to stamp out bot accounts via a new process that will require the owners of profiles found to be connected with suspicious behaviour to provide identification information to confirm that they are, in fact, a real person.

When the majority of the profile’s followers are in a different country to their location. If there are clear signs of automation use, such as bot accounts as followers. Accounts engaged in coordinated inauthentic behaviour.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-looks-to-crackdown-on-bots-with-new-review-and-id-process/583491/

Instagram Tests Reels Button on Lower Function Bar in Some Regions

Today, several German Instagram users have reported seeing a new layout in Instagram, which puts a new Reels button on the bottom function bar and moves the Discover magnifying glass to the top, next to the Direct tab.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-tests-reels-button-on-lower-function-bar-in-some-regions/583436/

Facebook Tests TikTok-Like Short-Form Video Feed in its Main App with Indian Users

You can upload videos up to 26 seconds. Videos longer than can be trimmed manually. You can write custom text on videos and choose at what time should the text appear. This is currently tested in the Indian market.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-tests-tiktok-like-short-form-video-feed-in-its-main-app-with-india/583592/

Facebook Adds New Page Follow Setting to Control Which Updates You See

Facebook is looking to give users more control over the specific posts and updates they see from each Page they choose to follow, with a new listing of advanced Page follow options appearing for some users. Users can now follow either all updates from the Page or a selection of:

Posts – Highlights, all updates or none

Videos – Highlights, all or none

Live Videos – All or none

Offers – Option to switch offer posts on or off

That means that, technically, a user could choose to follow a Page and only get alerts about, say, any new offers they post.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-page-follow-settings-to-control-which-updates-you-see/583584/

Facebook Removes Over 1,000 Ad Targeting Options Due to Low Usage

There is not currently a list of the removed options (Facebook provides these examples of the targeting options being removed: removing ‘multicultural affinity’ segments and ‘military bases or regiments’), but if you don’t see any more options you used in the past, that might be the reason for it.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-removes-over-1000-ad-targeting-options-due-to-low-usage/583406/

Facebook Adds New Paid Events Options for Businesses and Creators

By combining marketing, payment and live video, paid online events meet the end-to-end needs of businesses. Pages can host events on Facebook Live to reach broad audiences, and we’re testing paid events with Messenger Rooms for more personal and interactive gatherings.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-new-paid-events-options-for-businesses-and-creators/583580/

Fortnite’s Epic Games-Apple Legal Battle Will Have Big Ramifications

Fortnite’s makers released an Apple parody video almost immediately after the news broke. The short imitates a famous Apple ad from decades ago, advertising the company’s Macintosh computers with the theme of resisting a dystopian society like that of George Orwell’s 1984. Watch the video on Fortnite’s IG.

Source: https://gamerant.com/fortnite-vs-apple-microtransaction-ios-phones-legal-lawsuit/

Apple subject of litigation from Epic Games over its conduct around App Store payments

To reach iOS app users, Apple forces developers to agree to Apple’s unlawful terms contained in its Developer Agreement, including that they use Apple’s InApp Purchase for in-app purchases of in-app content to the exclusion of any alternative solution or third-party payment processor. Further, Section 3.1.3 of Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines unlawfully prohibits developers from “directly or indirectly target[ing] iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase”.

Source: https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/13/21367963/epic-fortnite-legal-complaint-apple-ios-app-store-removal-injunctive-relief

LinkedIn Adds 2 New Alerts, Powered by AI, for Its Sales Navigator

Alerts when someone engages with the page or website. No detail if we are able to streamline tracking at which stage of the funnel the buyer is in.

Alerts are to be made relevant over time.

LinkedIn also added Outreach, a CRM like tool sitting with Sales Navigator that helps see past connections, history of messages, noted and documents shared.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-adds-new-alerts-and-lead-management-options-to-sales-navigator/583427/

LinkedIn Publishes New Guide on How to Make Best Use of its Platform

LinkedIn has published a new guide to help social media managers make the best use of the various tools the platform has to offer, in order to maximize engagement, boost content reach – and ultimately, fuel sales potential through LinkedIn connections.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-publishes-new-guide-on-how-to-make-best-use-of-its-platform/583250/

Monday Morning Learning – 20 July 2020

Facebook Rolls Out New Image Presentation Options to More Users

The new options appear at the bottom of the post composer, giving you four different image display formats to choose from. Users in different regions are now reporting access to the option, so it seems that it is on the way to all, sometime soon. That will provide new considerations for your Facebook posts, which could help to make your updates stand out in feeds. This is currently only applicable for users and not for brand pages.


Facebook Rolls Out Screen-Sharing in the Messenger App

Facebook is expanding its screen-sharing options in Messenger to both Messenger Rooms and the mobile app, providing another way to engage within Messenger video calls.


Google Adds New Ad Tools, Including Updated Visual Options and Prompts for Search Ads

Google’s launching a new beta program for image extensions, which will enable advertisers to include product visuals in search ads.

Google’s also adding new highlight markers for limited time offers, shipping capacity, and product availability in search ads, while Google’s also now testing new, dynamic carousel displays of your most relevant products in Display ads.


Nat Geo transports Instagram users to Mt Everest via AR

National Geographic aims to engage Instagram users with its July issue that features details from the Mt. Everest expedition co-sponsored last year to install high-altitude weather stations.

National Geographic is letting Instagram users immerse themselves in an expedition to the top of the world’s tallest mountain with an augmented reality (AR) experience. Users of the photo-sharing app can virtually dress as climbers and travel up Mt. Everest.

Users can see a 360-degree view by moving around their smartphones or swiping the screen. Viewers can see their breath by opening their mouths, and tap on a yellow dot to see a map of Mt. Everest that shows other areas to explore.


Alt TikTok Has Migrated To Byte After The Trump Administration’s Announcement And Is Taking Over

The very best part of TikTok is looking for greener pastures now that the Trump administration has set its sights on the China-based app.

In the last few days, Byte has been taken over by “alt TikTok,” a section of the app known for absurdist humor, as well as gay TikTok, which is more self-explanatory.

If you’re not familiar with Byte, no one can blame you. The app was launched in January by Dom Hofmann, co-creator of the much-beloved and much-missed Vine. Like Vine, or TikTok, it’s an app for sharing short, looping videos, but it hasn’t caught on with anywhere near the same intensity as TikTok has. But that may be about to change.


Twitter updates: Twitter Rolls Out New Direct Message Overlay to All Desktop Users

Twitter has now officially launched its new direct message chat window on desktop, which enables users to engage with their messages without having to leave their main tweet feed.

Twitter Officially Launches New ‘Retweets with Comments’

From now on, your retweet count will include both basic retweets AND retweets with comments, and you’ll also be able to see which is which in a new listing within the tweet detail.


130 Twitter Accounts Impacted, Personal Information Compromised

The affected accounts included Barack Obama, Apple, Jeff Bezos, and Kim Kardashian. On Friday, NYT published details that it had gleaned from a group of hackers who’ve claimed responsibility for the hack. NYT was able to verify their explanations by matching their Bitcoin accounts with the address listed in the tweets. According to the report, a hacker going by the name of ‘Kirk’ was able to gain access to Twitter’s administration tools by first being added to Twitter’s internal Slack channel, where the details he needed had been posted in various exchanges.


Monday Morning Learning – 13 July 2020

Instagram Provides New Options to Manage How IGTV Previews Appear in the Main Feed and Discover

Instagram has added some new tools to help IGTV creators manage how their content appears when it’s listed in the main feed, and within the Discover tab. There are now more options to control how your IGTV video previews are displayed, with ‘profile cover’ relating to the thumbnail shown in Discover feeds.


Instagram Gives All Users the Option to Pin Post Comments

The platform has today confirmed that all users can now pin up to three comments within their post-interaction streams. Things to highlight:

The option is designed to encourage more civil discussion by “highlighting positive comments”

It could also be a great way to amplify common questions and answers. If someone asks a good question about your product, you could pin it, then reply, helping profile visitors get more context.


WhatsApp Adds QR Codes for Businesses

You can now open directly a conversation through QR Codes


Instagram Is on Pace to Overtake Twitter as a News Source

Younger users in particular are much more likely to turn to Instagram for news. In the US specifically, 12% of adults overall used Instagram for coronavirus-related news in April, but more than double (26%) of those aged 18-24 used it for that purpose.

While the text is still the most popular mode of digital news consumption, younger audiences are more likely than older generations to prefer visual storytelling formats for their news. 


Google Adds New Predicted Audience Action Tools into Google Analytics

Analytics will now suggest new predictive audiences that you can create in the Audience Builder. For example, using Purchase Probability, we will suggest the audience “Likely 7-day purchasers” which includes users who are most likely to purchase in the next seven days.


Monday Morning Learning – 8 June 2020

From Takeovers to Top View ads, What It Costs to Advertise on TikTok

Ads start at $8 per cost-per-thousand-impressions in the U.K. Also, they require advertisers to spend a minimum of $25,000. The platform isn’t for those advertisers looking for cheap viral marketing campaigns. Rather, it’s a premium media buy for those with deep pockets. More details on ads and pricing in the article.

TikTok Shares Case Study on How to Implement a Branded Hashtag Campaign

Brands create a specific hashtag linked to a video challenge, which they can then use to expand their messaging by facilitating an interactive, engaging video response campaign. That’s not necessarily easy – you can’t just come up with an idea and expect TikTok users to follow along.


Instagram Tests New Format for Recommended Content Listings Below the ‘All Caught Up’ Marker

Instagram is testing a new format for its suggested follow listings which would appear within your main feed, below newly posted updates. The new recommendation listings appear within the main feed, with separate tabs for ‘Suggested’ and ‘Older’ posts. The ‘Older’ listing takes you back to posts that you’ve already seen.


How Social Platforms are Responding to the #BlackLivesMatter Protests Across the US

With #BlackLivesMatter protests being held in various cities across the US in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, social media platforms have also been adding their support to the cause.


Facebook Creates Shopping Data Sets to Make More Humanlike Chatbots

Facebook researchers this week introduced Situated Interactive MultiModal Conversations (SIMMC), a novel research direction aimed at training AI chatbots that take actions like showing an object and explaining what it’s made of in response to images, memories of previous interactions, and individual requests. They detail new data sets designed for this purpose containing around 13,000 human-to-human dialogs across two domains — furniture and fashion — along with several tasks framed as objective evaluation protocols.

YouTube Rolls Out Video Chapters to All Creators

After testing them out with selected users over the last month, YouTube is now officially launching its new chapters segmentation display for video clips. YouTube has built-in haptic feedback on mobile – “so users will feel a slight “thump” that informs them they’re moving into a new chapter”. On platforms where haptic feedback is not available, YouTube will ‘snap’ you to the start of each chapter.


Monday Morning Learning – 18 May 2020

Why Marketers Aren’t Spending On Tiktok Despite Its Explosive Growth

According to a leaked pitch deck, TikTok offers brands various advertising campaigns such as in-feed videos, brand takeover, creating a hashtag challenge, building a branded lens on the platform, and custom influencer package. However, despite its wide reach of over 800 million users monthly globally, marketers do not seem to be too keen on pushing its marketing efforts on the platform.


Instagram Officially Launches Option to Share Instagram Live Broadcasts to IGTV

As per Instagram:

– Live video replays won’t include any likes or comments from your original live video

– The number of viewers for your live video will restart once you share it to IGTV

– You won’t be able to edit or trim your live video before sharing it to IGTV


Facebook Adds Messenger Rooms for Groups and Events

While it’s still in the process of rolling out its new Messenger Rooms group video chat feature to all users, Facebook has today announced that Messenger Rooms will also be available within groups and events, providing another engagement option within smaller audience subsets.


LinkedIn Launches its Own Polls Option to Facilitate More Engagement

After it was spotted in testing last month, LinkedIn has now officially launched its new native polls option, providing another way to gather feedback and boost engagement on the platform.


LinkedIn Rebrands Editorial Team to LinkedIn News as it Continues to Expand News Coverage and Content

Editors play a central role in LinkedIn’s professional community, from original reporting to cultivating/curating conversations from members, Influencers and publishers. Their intent is to give professionals the news and views they need now to stay informed and to build their voices. To help members connect with this content, they are launching a distinct editorial identity – LinkedIn News – that positions them as a “trusted professional news brand”.


Google Chrome adds new tab grouping feature to make organisation easier

Users will soon be able to start grouping their tabs, eg by topic or by urgency, etc.


Monday Morning Learning – 11 May

YouTube Adds New Options for Marketers Looking to Reach Viewers Watching on Home TV Screens

With streaming content consumption soaring during the COVID-19 lockdowns, YouTube is seeing some major shifts in viewing behavior, and it’s now looking to provide new ad options to help marketers tap into these evolving consumption trends.


Burger King Will Give You a Free Whopper If You Catch Its Moving QR Code on TV

Burger King (USA) gamifies TV ads during quarantine to promote its burgers for order via the BK App


Instagram is Testing New Ways to Navigate Through Your Stories Feed

Over the past few years, Facebook has repeatedly noted that Stories are on track to overtake the News Feed as the primary surface for social media engagement.


Facebook Is Running a New Series of Education Sessions for Facebook Group Admins

After recently running a series of workshops to help community leaders make the best use of Facebook groups to maintain a connection during COVID-19, Facebook has now announced a new schedule of education events for Facebook group admins, which are designed to help people better manage their online communities, while also facilitating more connection between community leaders.


Instagram Will Now Show Stories and Posts from Health Bodies More Prominently in User Feeds

Instagram has announced that it will now surface Stories from official health bodies that you follow higher in your Stories feed, in order to help increase the distribution of key COVID-19 updates and information. This only relates to health organizations that you’ve chosen to follow, so it won’t increase the reach of such messaging across the board, and it won’t change anything for those who don’t want such in their Insta feed. But for those who may be using Instagram to stay connected to key updates, now they’ll be easier to find within the two streams.


Facebook Videos Longer than 30 Seconds Might Not Play Completely on Feed Anymore.

After 30 seconds, the video will stop and FB will invite you to continue watching on Facebook Watch.

Monday Morning Learning – 27 April 2020

Instagram is Testing a New ‘Challenge’ Sticker to Prompt User Engagement

Instagram is testing a new ‘Challenge’ sticker for Stories which would enable users to call on their connections to participate in visual competitions, prompting more engagement.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-is-testing-a-new-challenge-sticker-to-prompt-user-engagement/576134/

Facebook Outlines a Range of New Video Tools, Including Messenger Rooms for Group Video Hangouts

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced a range of new video tools across Facebook’s family of apps, in order to meet demand and evolving use-cases during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-outlines-a-range-of-new-video-tools-including-messenger-rooms-for/576758/

Instagram Provides Tips on How Brands Can Use Stories to Connect With Audiences Amid COVID-19

While research has shown that most consumers are still open to brand messaging during the crisis, situational awareness is key, and reaching people ‘in the right way’ is essential to effectiveness. To help with this, Instagram has this week shared some key tips on how brands can maintain audience connection via Instagram Stories.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-provides-tips-on-how-brands-can-use-stories-to-connect-with-audie/576680/

Data Shows How Coronavirus Has Influenced Employer Branding

Companies have had to scrap their old employer branding plans and focus on meeting the moment at hand.

Looking at LinkedIn data, you can see how quickly things have changed. The share of posts addressing COVID-19 and working from home have rapidly increased — as has engagement with those posts. The tone has also changed, with themes of support, community, and care on the rise.

Here’s a closer look at how employer branding messages have changed, which messages are resonating the most, and where to go from here.

Link: https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/blog/employer-brand/2020/data-shows-how-coronavirus-has-influenced-employer-branding?src=fb-fb&veh=fb-fb&utm_source=fb-fb&utm_medium=fb-fb&utm_campaign=fb-fb&linkId=100000011920897

New Twitter Data Underlines the Emergence of Gaming – and Marketers Need to Take Note

Gaming is set to become a $196 billion market by 2022, and five of the top 10 channels on YouTube in 2019 were directly connected to the gaming community.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/new-twitter-data-underlines-the-emergence-of-gaming-and-marketers-need-to/576766/

Monday Morning Learning – 20 April 2020

Instagram is Testing Out New Features for DMs

There are two new features that Instagram is currently working on for its DMs.

The first of these two new features has to do with message forwarding. The second feature is also very reminiscent of WhatsApp. It allows you to quote certain messages and reply to them directly, adding a lot more streamlining into the conversations that you would actually end up having.

Link: https://www.digitalinformationworld.com/2020/04/instagram-is-test-new-forward-messages-and-reply-to-previous-messages-in-dms.html

Instagram Live Streams Can Now Be Viewed on the Web

After rolling out access to Direct messages via the web last week, Instagram is now also giving users the option to view Instagram Live broadcasts on desktop PCs, which comes with a new, less intrusive format, and URLs to cross-promote your streams.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-live-streams-can-now-be-viewed-on-the-web/575949/

Instagram Adds Gift Card, Ordering and Fundraising Tools to Help Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Instagram has now officially announced the addition of its new gift card, food order, and fundraiser tools for Stories and profiles, which will provide businesses impacted by the COVID-19 shutdowns with another way to generate income during the ongoing crisis

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-adds-gift-card-ordering-and-fundraising-tools-to-help-businesses/576151/

Facebook Unveils New ‘Care’ Reactions to Help Express Responses to COVID-19

Facebook has now officially unveiled its new ‘Care’ Reactions for both Facebook and Messenger, which will provide another quick response option for COVID-19 related updates.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-unveils-new-care-reactions-to-help-express-responses-to-covid-19/576318/

Instagram is Testing a New ‘Challenge’ Sticker to Prompt User Engagement

Instagram is testing a new ‘Challenge’ sticker for Stories which would enable users to call on their connections to participate in visual competitions, prompting more engagement. When applied, you’d then be prompted to tag friends to participate, while down the bottom of the screen, there’s also an option to ‘search challenges’ within the hashtag field, based on trending content.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-is-testing-a-new-challenge-sticker-to-prompt-user-engagement/576134/

Facebook Launches an Experimental App for Messaging Close Friends via Apple Watch

The app allows you to send a variety of messages with just one tap, including voice recordings, emoji, location sharing, scribbles and even dictation input — similar to how using iMessage from your Apple Watch works today. However, these messages are being sent over Facebook’s own Messenger service, not SMS or iMessage.

Link: https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/14/facebook-launches-an-experimental-app-for-messaging-close-friends-over-apple-watch/?guccounter=1

Monday Morning Learning – 13 April 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on Search Trends and SEO

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every industry and business in some form, ranging from complete shutdowns to massive increases in buying in certain sectors.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/the-impact-of-covid-19-on-search-trends-and-seo-infographic/575576/

Dove Puts a New Face on ‘Real Beauty’ in Homage to Health Workers 

Dove has put a new face on Real Beauty advertising through a “Courage Is Beautiful” campaign, breaking in the U.S., showing faces of healthcare workers marked by the protective gear they’ve been wearing during the coronavirus crisis.

Link: https://adage.com/creativity/work/dove-courage-beautiful/2249271?utm_source=creativity-daily-friday&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200410&utm_content=hero-headline

Facebook Publishes New Guide on How to Maintain Connection With Audiences Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Facebook has published a new, 64-page guide of key tips and notes to help brands and organizations maintain a connection with their Facebook and Instagram audiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-publishes-new-guide-on-how-to-maintain-connection-with-audiences-a/575861/

The Evolving Discussion Around COVID-19 and How Brands Have Responded

An overview of the evolution of the COVID-19 discussion across social media, which looks at what people are saying, where they’re saying it, and how some brands have responded.

Link: Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/the-evolving-discussion-around-covid-19-and-how-brands-have-responded-info/575769/

YouTube Moves to Restrict Videos About COVID-19/5G Conspiracy Theory

YouTube has confirmed that it will reduce the recommendation and distribution of videos that promote conspiracy theories that link the spread of COVID-19 to 5G technology.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/youtube-moves-to-restrict-videos-about-covid-195g-conspiracy-theory/575564

Instagram Launches ‘Thank You Hour’ Sticker and Story to Share Appreciation During COVID-19 Pandemic

Instagram has launched a new ‘Thank You Hour’ initiative, which will see Stories frames that include the new ‘Thank You Hour’ sticker added to a collective Story that showcases the various things that people are appreciative of amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-launches-thank-you-hour-sticker-and-story-to-share-appreciation/575860/

Monday Morning Learning – 30 March 2020

Facebook Introduces Community Hub for Messenger Users to Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic

Facebook announces the Coronavirus Community Hub on Messenger that provides tips, authentic information, and other resources to the users to stay connected and informed about the coronavirus breakout.


Instagram’s Testing a New Set of Animated Selfie Stickers for Stories

The new, animated selfie sticker tool overlays graphics and effects related to different emoji characters on top of your image. The rounded selfie stickers can be applied as many times as you like within a Stories frame.


12 Iconic Logos Redesigned Through the COVID-19 Lens

Marketing Mag covered an artist’s re-imagination of different logos that promote safe and healthy habits.


Facebook is Rolling Out a New Set of Updates for Facebook Live 

Because of rising demand for live-stream content amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, including audio only and closed captions, Facebook is coming out with a new set of updates that can create a better user experience.


Instagram Launches Co-Watching of Posts During Video Chat

Now you can scroll Instagram together with friends, turning a typically isolating, passive experience into something more social and active. Today, Instagram launched Co-Watching, which lets friends on a video chat or group video chat browse through feed posts one user has Liked or Saved, or that Instagram recommends.

Instagram’s Testing a New Option to Promote the Sale of Gift Cards via Your Business Profile

According to a new discovery by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Instagram is working on a new ‘Links’ option within its business profile settings that would enable brands to add a new quick link, via a profile button or sticker, to guide visitors to purchase gift cards or make donations.
